304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
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Christian Culture (Singles Edition)

A deck of cards to spark meaningful discussions between singles about the beauty and challenges that can be part of single life.

We hope this deck helps you explore how to make the most of your single season as well as spend some quality time with yourself, your friends and God.

The deck has 4 categories (icebreakers, dating topics, interpretations and stories) and includes 73 fun and thought-provoking conversation starters like these:

  • If you created a music album about your life, what would the title be? (Icebreakers)
  • How do you feel about dating apps? Are they effective for Christian singles? What should you look out for when using these apps? (Dating Topics)
  • Jesus’s longest recorded conversation was with the Samaritan woman, who had been married five times (John 4:7–26). What does this story teach us about Jesus’s understanding of our desires for love/purpose and where we can be fully filled?“ (Interpretations)
  • How is your heart? How do you guard it? (Stories)


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